月初的时候搬了家, 之后的周末一直在忙些琐琐碎碎的事情,嘛,仔细一想,除了去宜家搬了个电视柜回来都不记得干了啥…
月初的时候搬了家, 之后的周末一直在忙些琐琐碎碎的事情,嘛,仔细一想,除了去宜家搬了个电视柜回来都不记得干了啥…
......Create virtual resource on AWS is very convenient, but how to manage them will be a problem when your size grow. You will come to: How to explain the detail online settings for your colleagues (like: how our prod vpc is setup?what’s the DHCP option set?), navigate around AWS console is okay, but not convenient. Who did what to which resource at when? AWS have a service called Config, can be used to track this change, but if you want to make things as clear as viewing git log, still a lot of works to do. Ideally, we should manage AWS resources like code, all changes kept in VCS, so called Infrastructure as Code. I’ve tried three ways to do it: ansible CloudFormation terraform In this article, I’ll compare them, however, the conclusion is to use terraform 🙂 Ansible Provision tools, like ansible/chef/puppet, all can be used to create aws resources, but they have some common problems: Hard to track changes after bootstrap. No confident what it will do to existing resources. For example, I define a security group in ansibble: ec2_group: name: "web" description: "security group in web" vpc_id: "vpc-xxx" region: "us-east-1" rules: - proto: tcp from_port: 80 to_port: 80 cidr_ip: 0.......
A few notes taken when reading
......MySQL has buildin partition table support, which can help split data accross multi tables,
and provide a unified query interface as normal tables.
In this article, let’s talk about ElasticSearch’s cluster mode, which means multi nodes ElasticSearch.
cluster: A collection of server nodes with same cluster.name
settings in elasticsearch.yaml
primary shards: Divide a index into multi parts(by default 5), shards of an index can be distributed over multi nodes. It enables scale index horizontally and make access to index parallelly(accross multi nodes).
replicas: backup for shards, also replicas can handle search requests, which means you can scale your search capacity horizontally via replicas.
......心血来潮, 又看了遍黑客帝国三部曲, 当年的沃卓斯基兄弟都变成沃卓斯基姐妹了, 唏嘘啊…
第一次看的时候, 好像是初中吧, 记得看第三部还是姑父的盗版碟上看的, 那天还拉了个同学和我一起看,然后请他吃了泡面+冰淇淋,结果他回家就拉肚了,抱怨了我好久,所以印象特别深刻,哈哈.
......看了下很久前 google 的 GFS 论文, 做点笔记。
......最近公司在做 HIPAA Compliance 相关的事情,其中要求之一是所有db需要开启encryption.
比较麻烦的是rds 的encryption 只能在创建的时候设定,无法之后修改, 所以必须对线上的db 做一次 migration.
......最近心血来潮把<魔法使之夜>的游戏通关了, 都已经是5年?还是6年前发售的了, 因为当年汉化迟迟不发布, 就一直搁置了.