
Use SNS & SQS to build Pub/Sub System


Recently, we build pub/sub system based on AWS’s SNS & SQS service, take some notes.

Originally, we have an pub/sub system based on redis(use BLPOP to listen to a redis list). It’s really simple, and mainly for cross app operations. Now we have needs to enhance it to support more complex pubsub logic, eg: topic based distribution. It don’t support redelivery as well, if subscribers failed to process the message, message will be dropped.

There’re three obvious choices in my mind:

  1. kafka
  2. AMQP based system (rabbitmq,activemq …)
  3. SNS + SQS

My demands for this system are:

  • Support message persistence.
  • Support topic based message distribution.
  • Easy to manage.

The data volume won’t be very large, so performance and throughput won’t be critical concerns.

I choose SNS + SQS, main concerns are from operation side:

  • kafka need zookeeper to support cluster.
  • rabbitmq need extra configuration for HA, and AMQP model is relatively complex for programming.

So my decision is:

  • application publish message to SNS topic
  • Setup multi SQS queues to subscribe SNS topic
  • Let different application processes to subscribe to different queues to finish its logic.

SQS and SNS is very simple, not too much to say, just some notes:

  • SQS queue have two types, FIFO queue and standard queue. FIFO queue will ensure message order, and ensure exactly once delivery, tps is limited(3000/s) standard queue is at least once delivery, message order is not ensured, tps is unlimited. In my case, I use standard queue, order is not very important.
  • SQS message size limit is 256KB.
  • Use goaws for local development, it has problem on processing message attributes, but I just use message body. messages only store in ram, will be cleared after restarted.
  • If you failed to deliver message to sqs from sns, can setup topic’s sqs failure feedback role to log to cloudwatch, in most case it’s caused by iam permission.
  • Message in sqs can retain at most 14 days.
  • Once a message is received by a client, it will be invisible to other clients in visibility_timeout_seconds(default 30s). It means if your client failed to process the message, it will be redelivered after 30s.
  • SQS client use long polling to receive message, set receive_wait_time_seconds to reduce api call to reduce fee.
  • If your client failed to process a message due to bug, the message will be redelivered looply, set redrive_policy for the queue to limit retry count, and set a dead letter queue to store those messages. You can decide how to handle them late.

I setup SNS and SQS via terraform, used following resources:

  • aws_sns_topic
  • aws_sns_topic_subscription
  • aws_sqs_queue
  • aws_sqs_queue_policy (iam policy to allow sns to send msg to sqs)
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