Just some random complains and notes about server infra management. I think those are my motivations to move to kubernetes.
Won’t explain k8s or docker in detail, and how they solve those problems in this post.
Infrastructure level(on AWS)
We use following services provided by AWS.
- Compute:
- EC2
- AutoScaling Group
- Lambda
- network:
- VPC (SDN network)
- DNS (route53)
- CDN (CloudFront)
- Loadbalancer:
- ELB (L4)
- NLB (L4, ELB successor, support static IP)
- ALB (L7)
- Storage:
- EBS (block storage)
- EFS (hosted NFS)
- RDS(MySQl/PostgreSQL …)
- Redshift (data warehouse)
- DynamoDB (KV)
- S3 (object storage)
- Glacier (cheap archive storage)
- Web Firewall (WAF)
- Monitor (CloudWatch)
For infra management, in early days, we just click, click, click… or write some simple scripts to call AWS api.
With infra resources growing, management became complex, a concept called Infrastructure as Code
AWS provides CloudFormation as orchestration tool, but we use terraform (for short: CloudFormation sucks, for long: Infrastructure as Code)
So far, not bad.(tweak those services internally is another story… never belive work out of box
Application level
- configuration management (setup nginx, jenkins, redis, twemproxy, ElasticSearch or WTF..)
- dependency management
They’re complicated, people developped bunch of tools to handle: puppet, chef, ansible, saltstack …
They’re great and working, but writing correct code still a challenge when changes involves: